6 easy ways to lose weight fast

There is one practical way to lose weight quickly, which reduces the size of the meal and increased little physical activity. The problem is, many people who can not stand having to hold back hunger reducing meal portions.

But not to worry, some way to make you eat smaller portions without causing hunger, as reported Boldsky.

  1. Drinking water : Drink 2 glasses of water 10 minutes before meals, or each time you feel hungry. The water will fill your stomach and can trick your hunger. 
  2. Siesta : Hunger often arises due to fatigue and lack of rest. You can control it with short nap for 5 or 10 minutes on the sidelines of time off work. 
  3. Eat fresh vegetables : Eat fresh foods. Fresh vegetables contain more water, which means it can make you more satisfied, but with low calories. 
  4. Do not forget breakfast : Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Never skip breakfast if you want to lose weight. By getting enough nutrients in the morning, you can reduce the desire to snack throughout the day. 
  5. Eat slowly : When you eat slowly, the brain will send signals that make you feel fuller, thereby reducing the size of the meal. Knowing when to stop eating to help you lose weight and prevent excessive weight gain. 
  6. Expand eat fiber : If you want to lose weight, which must be done is to reduce carbohydrates and fat without feeling hungry. The solution, multiply fiber-containing foods so that the stomach feel full without getting too many calories. 
That's 6 easy ways to lose weight fast, may be useful for you.

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